Established/ Returning Clients
Contact John or his assistant directly for personal scheduling link to see availability and book.
If you do not know how to reach him, please submit client form and you will be contacted.
New Clients
All new clients please read over everything on this page before submitting a client form. Approved forms are added to a wait list to be contacted when scheduling is available. When contacted you will receive a personal link to view availability, book, and pay deposit. Once booked, you will receive a location link with info to help with parking.
Scheduling & Pricing
Please read over the following before filling out the Client form. Thank you.
$150 per hour
(Actual needle time only)
2 hour minimum.
- Scheduling -
When booking is open;
Once your form has been approved, you will be contacted by John, or an assistant to answer questions. You will be provided a link to a calendar of availability. No appointment is confirmed without a deposit. Forms will be answered as regularly as possible.
When booking is closed;
Forms will not be viewed while books are closed. You can check instagram, or email directly to see if booking is open.
-When filling out The Client Form-
In the description area please include a detailed description of your desired tattoo. This should include placement, approx. size, color and any details you feel are important. Any references you have will be collected once we begin to discuss design. If you do not include basic information, the form will be rejected. For example, descriptions like “arm tattoo”, “half sleeve” are not detailed enough. “A black and gray photo realism piece on my inner forearm, in a gothic theme” or “ A traditional style eagle in color on my full chest” are better examples of detailed descriptions.
An appointment is not confirmed until a date is agreed upon and a $50 deposit is received. $25 of said deposit will go towards the finished tattoo. The remaining $25 is cost of design, set up, break down, and booking.
-15 minute grace period-
Please be on time.
If you need to cancel a scheduled appointment, please click the link below.
A partial refund of $25 is only available if the appointment is cancelled 24 hours prior to the scheduled time.